beautiful jeep

Leaks and drips that get the interior of your vehicle wet are definitely an inconvenience. Sitting water promotes rust, bad smells, and can ruin your carpet. Furthermore, the water often seems to come from seemingly nowhere, adding to the frustration. From Complete Car Care in Flagstaff, AZ, here are some of the leading causes of water on your floor, and what you can do about it.


The term “overdrive” is one you are most likely familiar with. What is overdrive though, really, and why is it important? Complete Car Care in Flagstaff, AZ has the answer.

In today's economic climate, people are working hard to make their dollars go further. Not only are drivers holding onto their vehicles longer, but they're also looking to improve fuel efficiency to get the most gas mileage out of every gallon of gas. You can do both by following a few simple tips from our team here at Complete Car Care!

lady driving

By now, the numbers are clear; seat belts save lives. But just wearing one isn’t enough - it needs to be working properly to actually keep you safe. Here’s what you need to know about the seat belts in your car, truck, or SUV, from Complete Car Care in Flagstaff, AZ.


Starter issues don’t necessarily indicate a bad starter; sometimes a transmission related issue is at fault. If you are experiencing starter difficulties, Complete Car Care in Flagstaff has the information you need.

mechanic holding tools

A huge part of what the hydraulic system in your transmission does is tell the mechanical components what to do and when to do it. Even if you don't understand how that works, our technicians at Complete Car Care in Flagstaff, AZ have trained with the best to make sure they understand all the ins and outs of your system. We want you to understand what we're talking about when we talk to you about your vehicle so we'll break down some aspects of your hydraulic system. 

car taillights

If your brake lights are giving you trouble, it’s something you want to get fixed. It’s a safety hazard, and you might also get a ticket out of it. Why aren’t they working, and what can you do about it? Complete Car Care in Flagstaff, AZ has the answers.

vehicle for sale image

If you drive a performance or luxury vehicle, there are important points to remember in preserving not only your car or SUV, but it's resale value as well. Luxury and performance vehicles depreciate more quickly than other cars. Many who own these cars like to have the newest and the best of the best. In that way, the odds are stacked against you when trying to get a good price for your car. Fortunately, Complete Car Care has some steps you can take to ensure you get the most for your car when it’s time to sell. 

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