Man checking tablet with fleet stats.

At Complete Car Care in Flagstaff, we know how important it is that your fleet benefits you as much as possible. One of the easiest ways to ensure this is by minimizing breakdowns. Breakdowns are expensive, time-consuming, and throw a wrench into operations; and as anyone who operates a fleet knows, time and efficiency are the most important factors in getting the most out of your fleet. Here are some tips on minimizing breakdowns in your fleet, from Complete Car Care in Flagstaff, AZ.

mechanic giving advice

Fuel economy isn't far from the minds of our Flagstaff drivers and we hear these questions daily such as: Why can certain cars zip along at close to 40 mpg while others are lucky to get anywhere near 20? As it turns out, there are as many factors that go into how well your ride does at the pumps! Here are the 10 factors that have the greatest impact on fuel consumption that we would like to share with you. 

transmission valve in mechanics hands

“Valve body” is one of those nebulous car terms you hear all the time, but nobody seems to really know what it is. At Complete Car Care in Flagstaff, AZ, we know exactly what a valve body is, what it does, and are well equipped to address any issues your valve body may be experiencing.

At Complete Car Care in Flagstaff, AZ, we aren’t just in the business of fixing or maintaining your transmission. We’re here to help you make customizations and improvements as well.

fleet of trucks

At Complete Car Care in Flagstaff, AZ, maintaining your fleet and keeping your business reliably on the road is our primary focus. As trucks wear out, and they always do, you will inevitably be faced with this dilemma - “Should I fix this truck, or replace it with a new one?” This isn’t always an easy question to answer. As your fleet specialists, our team here at Complete Car Care is here to help you decide.

trucks parked

If you operate a fleet of vehicles, you’ve probably listened to a vehicle and thought “that doesn’t sound right” at least once or twice. Strange noises are an indicator that something isn’t working right, and typically means something is wearing out a lot faster than it should, or is about to fail. At Complete Car Care in Flagstaff, AZ, we can tell a lot about the condition of a vehicle just by listening to it. Specific noises and where they come from are often all you need to diagnose an issue and the severity of the problem. Here are some signs to listen out for.

Diesel Truck

The differentials on your Ford, Chevrolet, or Dodge diesel pickup are some of the hardest working components on your truck. At Complete Car Care in Flagstaff, our technicians are experts in maintaining, repairing, and replacing differentials, keeping your truck working reliable just as much as you do.

mechanic looking car over

Awareness and safety are at the top of our list of concerns here at Complete Car Care, even more so with all the recall scare that happens in the news. We think a well-maintained car is a safe car that can also save you money in the long run. Here are our top ten tips for keeping your family safe, saving you money, and keeping your car running smoothly.

  • Jasper Pref
  • 24-Hour Dropoff
  • Acdelco
  • Ari Fleet
  • ASE
  • Auto Zone
  • BG Products
  • Customer Savings
  • Fleet Services
  • Handicap Accessible
  • Hunter
  • Motorcraft Parts
  • NAPA AutoCare Center
  • Pet Friendly
  • Radiator
  • RV Repair
  • Shuttle Service
  • Synchrony
  • Towing
  • Veteran Owned
  • 36 Month Warranty
  • 12 Month Warranty